Whiles traveling around New Mexico's, "Enchanted Circle" a blog to come, we entered .... do,do,do,do,do Earthship Community. These people build with bottles,old tires, straw and mud, and most of the houses were under the ground.
Some were quite pretty, above is the visitors center, we noticed it first, and look how pretty these are, well, some. They use solar panels and we weren't sure what else, but they claim to 'live off the earth'.
I will say one thing for them, they are really good at using up old tires and bottles, but as you can see in the 2nd picture below, they aren't without their modern conveniences.
Most of the houses were partly underground, and I tried to get as many pictures of different structures as I could.
That was a pretty gateway and I know it took a lot of time, kinda neat.
Below is a different view of the welcome center, and for $7, you could actually go in, the question is, would you ever come out??? he he
We saw this sign so Bill decided to go see if he could look around, when he found out it was that much just to go into the welcome center, and $15 each, to go through the community, he decided that I wouldn't like a house that was under the ground like a mole, and he said "No thank you see ya!'
Below are pictures I took as we drove by on the road, some a quite attractive, but none as wonderful as our Whody!! ha ha

WE have seen California weirdness, now you have seen a little of New Mexico weirdness, never hurts to check out this part of the states ya know. It was quite interesting tho.
Got more, come on back, OK? Hugs, Love and always prayers, Arlette & Bill too, and the Sassy
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