Whiles at Abiquiu Lake we hit some of the back roads and went into what they call Pueblos, so this blog will be one of mostly pictures. We enjoy looking around and thought you would too.
Lotz of lilacs, they don't seem to grow wild, always planted next to a house, whether lived in or not.
We often wonder when we see all the old run down houses, what information they would give out if they could.
This building below was waaaaay out in the country where there were few houses, and we soon found out what it was! See the sign below this picture. well, it WAS below, now it is right beneath these words and the Monastery is below this picture. Did I do that??????
Thought these 2 rock formations were really cool!
Someones dream, in the picture above, and below, a picnic table out in the middle of nowhere. Wonderful!
Just mountains and a really pretty field with a Quonset hut.
Sometimes ya have ta cross the creeks to get where ya wanta go, so we do! That's why our car is always so dirty!!!!
A few farmhouses with cows grazing, the top one was really pretty, very soothing, and below some beautiful flowering trees, Sweet William said our friends the McAleers didn't have to go all the way to Washington DC to see bloomin' trees!!!
More rock formations, I still get amazed at this stuff, it is so pretty!
Above, told ya , we often get wet!!
There are so many of these little 'Pueblos' and each has a graveyard and a church or two.
This little village was fun, everyone lives so close together I'm sure they could hear each other snore at night! ha ha
Another interesting thing was houses like those above, and then places like those below, all together, amazing!
Like sky and animal pictures, I also like pictures of old buildings, this one use to be a store many years ago.
I couldn't resist taking this picture, thought it was sooo funny! Ever been called a horses patootie?
I thought these big dishes were obsolete, but we saw many of them out in the Pueblos, so guess they must still be in use. Didn't see many of the smaller ones.
Well now you have seen our ramblings, next time we get to check up on the aliens in New Mexico, and it isn't even in Roswell. So see ya then, Hugs, Love and Prayers, Arlette & Bill and the Sassy
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