We were just scoutin' around and found this really cool Museum, mostly cool because there were so many "car" things and "bus" things too. The bus below went all the way across the USA, it even had sleepers, but didn't get off the ground for long. To bad. If you are interested in finding out about it, look into a book called "Russes Buses" I haven't done that yet, but plan on doing it!
These are filling stations that look like what Bill and I remember, anyone else??? ha ha
How about the Coke machine, when you use to put your hand into ice cold water to get out a bottle of coke! That was the life, didn't get coke except on vacation, so it was always a treat!!
This is sorta what we looked like when my folks moved to Oregon from Colorado back in ~~~~ you didn't honestly think I was gona tell you! hee hee, but Our trailer was more square and had black shutters
See the Station above, it was just like the one Bill and his Dad owned when I met him except the bays were on the other side and there were 3 of them! It was brand new at the time, but is now a Shell Station.
How about those little pedal cars, he had a lot of them!
The machine below stumped us for a while, thought it may have been used for some kind of oxygen, but........fooled us, it was used to clean up antifreeze to use again! Can youbelieve that ? And the younger generation thinks WE were wasteful? YEAH RIGHT!!!!
Below are a group of little tricycles, How cute!
If ya look close you will see just who is driving the little tractor!
I like the picture below because one like this use to be at Bills station, and he was the one Certified.
The above picture will make you cry, if fuel was 14cents you can bet Diesel was priced where it should be, far below that price.
Cool Texaco gas pumps.
Just a gander at his back yard. And below, he just bought this diner, and is working on it to open business selling ice cream, sundays, milkshakes etc. Hope he accomplishes it! It was really awesome!
Wow, isn't the Packard below a beaut! Someone loved it once and drove it all over.
I would even take the price above, add a big $4 and you are getting close to todays ridiculous prices! Maybe you could buy a bike like the 2 below! Snicker
Nice looking Studebaker pick~up a 1947, and look at all the old gas pumps in the background, holy cow, and this was only a fraction!!!!
Every junk store needs a Kaw~liga, this one looked like he was saying " Where'd she go? My maiden was here a little while ago"!!!!
Here is Bill getting one last look, wishing he could take it all home, but knowing he can't, he sadly crawled back into the car and we boogied away to see other sights. But if you are in New Mexico and go on the "Enchanted Circle" drive, stop in and see him, it is worth the stop.
Until, well, until, Love Prayers, Smiles and Hugs, Arlette & Bill too and the Sassy
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