Aren't these amazing?Volcanic ash, rock & sand that has settled over the ages!
Look below, there is LeRoy, he has made it up to the higher level, whiles we are still below, good picture Sweet William took, huh? By this time I
was panting, huff, puff, wheeze.......
Just look at the valleys and crevices. They were amazing!!
Now with my imagination the white above rock looked like a seashell, and the one below like a baby bear, what do ya think??
Lotz to look at so am just gona let you look, OK?
Those youngsters almost ran ahead, and you can be assured we let them!!!
I love people with a sense of humor, as you are looking at this wonderful place, see if you see what tickled me! I Loved it.
Flowering Cactus, waaay up here, beautiful!
Here we are at the top, what beauty, you could see the whole valley, wonderful.
Loved these guys, looked like cartoon dogs. No,not us, I think we look REALLY GOOD, but I am to pooped to pop!!! Below is the Lake where we are staying.
And there I am, PROOF that I made it, lol ..... However, I was so tired I flopped down, right on a cactus and Anne, bless her heart had to pick cactus stickers out of my bum!!! I will be more careful where I park myself next time. ha ha
To me this looked like ruffles around a girls skirt, it was really pretty. It would have to be a very LARGE girl, but it would still be beautiful!
Thanks for coming along, the last blog didn't get published, sorry, they are changing things and guess I didn't push the right thing or sumthin'!
We have more adventures, so see ya later!! We love fun in the sun! Hugs, Prayers and Smiles, Arlette & Bill too, and the unhappy Sassy, NO DOGS ALLOWED!!!!
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