After looking around, we decided we like the "up stairs" in the park better, so up we went to Juniper loop, if you look really close in the left hand corner you will see Whody, getting her tank emptied, and below, here she comes, up the hill, vroom, vroom!!
There she goes, and below, there she is in the first space, below that, she is in the final place that we stayed in for a while, it was really nice with a view like no other!
Got a call from the Willis', some Eagle bus friends of ours, they said they were in the area and would we like company, well sure!! Sorry didn't get a picture of their bus, it is called Liberty, but you will see it, eventually, honest.
Whiles checking out the info. for this area, we found out about the "Tent Mountains" so decided to go take a look, this unique cemetery was on the way.
The first day we walked around the first trail, but because I didn't realize we were going to do this, I thought it was a drive through thing, I came unprepared, and although we did do the short trail, We knew I needed to have more food and water to go on the long one.
Sooo.... the next day we came prepared and here we go!!!!! It said there were boulders and a primitive trail, well, they were right, but we had NO IDEA.
The mountains were made from volcanic rock, looked a lot like a rough gravel, and yet there was sand as well. Just look at those funny things, looks like they were hand sculptured and then a huge boulder put on top to keep them there. Well, that's what I thought anyway! ha ha
Here is a picture of Anne Willis taking a picture of LeRoy and Bill. Below is a wonderful old stump, look how gnarly it is! Amazing.
Below you see the amazing old couple and the well prepared younger couple, we had such a great time! It was a hard trail, but we kept on!
Just a few views that we saw on the walls on the way up, AWESOME..... Giant tracks in the walls.....
The guys are saying get goin' gals, we are gona pass ya, and they did.
Oh My, not sure I wanna go in there, it looks to much like a cave, so Anne went and said it was OK, and once I saw the other side I willingly headed on in! Just look at the view from inside.
One last picture of the walls, this looks like a guy with sunglasses on, and that will be all for tonight, but do come back, the best is yet to come, a few of you might wonder if I really made it to the top, well come on back and see! Until then, Hugs, Smiles and Prayers, Arlette & Bill too and the Sassy
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