Howdy pardners, let's us go find Dale and Buttermilk and take a little time to mosey around. Not bad for a novice, just kidding, Pioneer town was where they filmed many of the old cowboy movies such as Gene Autry, Cisco kid, and Annie Oakley, it was also used for many TV series and over 200 movies, so let's take a gander and see if you "older" folks remember anything. ha ha
I remember this to be true many times watching movies, that you better get off the street when a bunch of riders came in off the prairie, they wanted a bath really bad and 'had a terrible thirst', yep, Ah remember that!!
Wonder how many train robberies were held around this car??? OH the memories! Every town needed a place to eat besides the Saloon, right? NO lady goes into a saloon!!
Don't think these animals could be mistaken for real, but it helps to make the town look authentic, and would you take a gander at this huge water wagon, awesome, anybody recognize anything yet? You youngsters younger than 50, well who knows, maybe it was used in Bonanza????
Every authentic western town has to have a Saloon and a Kaw~liga with a mercantile where you can get near ever~thang y'all want! Right????
I put this in 'cause the second part fits me reeeely good!
Loved the above signs, and, as usual, as I was lookin' around, Sweet William got hisself put in the town jail, blast him, cost more to bail him out then I got, guess I'll have to get a job in the mercantile! Humph!!! But he IS kinda cute lookin' through those bars, huh?Here's why, he got jist a little TO nosey about the bath house!! Serves him right!
Every Pioneer Town had to have a bank to rob, and this one was pretty cool! The two signs below are sorta self explanatory, I think! ha ha Notice the bottom of the Doctor sign.
This was the first thing we saw that showed that it was a 'filming town', and the sign below had us going, they used REAL bullets, Yowza!!!!!
These are our friends Bob and Cindy McAleer, aren't they cute? Just restin' on the porch of the bank, do ya think they are gettin' ready to rob it?? NAW......but the two characters below sure look sneaky, 'specially with that crazy wild dog, not sure about them, fer sure!
Wonder how many times we have seen the bad guys head dunked in this horse trough?? That use to be one of my favorite parts!Here is one of the typical houses, if you look close there is a person on the porch who actually lives here now. Nice feller.
Not so sure about the company he keeps, nor how he manicures his yard, guess he was to busy shootin' bad guys to bury them, ya think??
Another way to tell that it was a filming town. A Sound Stage.
YEP, this big dude is real, he even snorted hello at us!!GOLD, gotta get out there and look for it!!!!
Of course there had to be a church, to bad the bad guys didn't go in more often, right?? Look at the cross below, it sure was shiny that day!
A few pictures of the houses in town, some folks live in them today. Wonderful!
Now here we are, MORE yard art!!! ha ha Don't ya just love all these typewriters. They aren't old you know, NU~UH, that would make ME old, 'cause I learned to type on ones just like these!! Watch yer tongues now!
The streets were named after GOOD cowboys and cowgirls, like the one above, and below was some poor youngster who was a little to smart for his britches!!!!
Cool bird, just sat and watched!This is the way the USA usta be, rules were rules and they had to be followed!!!
Couple of Nosey Roseys, they love to snoop. But that's OK, they found the Sheriffs office, O' course I had to find it earlier to bale out that Billy the Kid!!
The post office is still operational, and is thought to be the most photographed post office in the USA, pretty cool if ya ask me!
Not a good picture of the outside, but here is a little of the inside as well.
Now THIS caught my eye, wouldn't it be fun to reopen something like this?They left everything in it just like it was, mosey on down and take a gander, wonderful!
Wanna bet it needs a pinsetter? No Automatic ones back then, NO WAY!!!!
Loved this sign, it should be put on every handicap post!!!!! Am sure a lot of you folks that ARE handicapped will agree.
And last but not least I leave you with another sign post, ahhhh the years that have come and gone since 1946, such changes, good and bad. I for one miss the cowboys and Indians, good guys and bad guys, black and white, now it is bad, or grey. Oh well, here is to the old west and memories.Thanks for putting up with my slow blogs. Sometimes I get busy having waay to much fun to stop and write, but I always come back! Happy Trails to You, until we meet again, Hugs, Prayers and Smiles, Arlette & Bill too, and the Sassy
1 comment:
Great pics.
Now mosey down to Missouri
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