Hi, these next 3 blogs will be something out of the ordinary, you thought Salvation Mountain was a ways out, wait until you see this!! Put your boots and gloves on and maybe your masks, ..... forward, MARCH!!!!Here you see us parked at the entrance. Once parked, Sweet William, bless his heart, decided to rake the yard, successfully getting rid of all the cigarette butts and dogie doo doo, made it nice, so McAleers could set up their little fireplace. WHOO HOO!
Ha, didn't realize you could see a little doggie rear, funny!
This was our introduction to Slab City, and then along came these folks, oh my, shades of the 60's! hee hee There were many things there that were around in that era!!!!
Remember the car art in San Diego? Well, here ya go, a bit more intrigue. These were the first things we saw here, keep on scrollin' down, it is a hoot!! Notice the nice neat yard.
And Buses, my oh my there were many, some very nice others, well................. Some had solar panels and large water barrels.
People come here to get away from rules, so there are very, very few as you will see.....You can live in whatever strikes your fancy, you don't have to clean up your spot, and you can keep as much junk as you would like. Every mans dream, right? After driving through here, Bill is glad he has so little junk! ha ha
It is really a beautiful area, no kidding. Below you see someone who has claimed an old ammunition's bunker, awesome, NOT, I would not like it under ground, however, each to their own!
Here is another one, we really had to look to be sure someone lived here, pretty cool really.
There are many artists around this area, so the water tanks are covered with graffiti, some of it quite pretty, some absolutely disgusting, didn't want that kind of trash in my camera or on my blog!!!!
Awesome bus, I have a hunch it use to be on the road way back when, again, artists at work.
Another water tower, this one yelling about the big Corporations, however......
This person has found a life away from the dirt and trash they grew up in here and chose to come back and let folks know.
There are areas that are quite clean, folks come here to dry camp for the winter and love it, it really is a safe place to stay, no one bothers you and you get to see pretty kitty cats like the one below! (smile) There were a bunch, but with all the trash I imagine their bellys are full and they have a smile on their faces! Livin' the high life with a lot of Mousey Pate! YUMMY
This was one of the Canadian buses, quite a nice one, they spend all winter here. There were 2 or three couples.
This really is a community, with a restaurant, a Library, and an Amphitheater, what more could you want? On occasion the aliens come down and drive these little cars around, mostly at night.
This one was for the head space~guy, it were yeller!!! Below is just an example of the living conditions here. Sometimes we would wonder if there were folks actually living in these beat up dirty places, and 9 times out of 10, folks would come out of them, little ones too. Oops, same picture as before, sorry.
Oh, forgot, they have an art building too!!! Added a picture of the area, free of debris, a beautiful place says I!
Get out the magnifying glass, this tells you that this use to be an old military base, Camp Dunlap, built in 1942. A very good year! ha ha. Most of the buildings were torn down, but all the cement slabs were still there, thus the name Slab City, bring in your house and pull up a slab, truly an amazing place, we even saw a gal riding a donkey, she went right in front of our camp, pretty cool, huh? Except she wasn't friendly, even a little bit, sad, cause we are nice folks!!!
There are NO garbage bins and NO restrooms, so you can well imagine, not much is packed out. I only showed you a few of the places, and didn't show you the worst, honest!!!!!!! We parked across from this beat up old trailer, it had a badly dented van in the front yard, we thought it was abandoned, but low and behold a lady got out of the van the next morning in her night clothes, and went into the trailer, who knew?????
This picture was taken from the top of Salvation Mountain, and as you can see it is really a beautiful area. We enjoyed our time there and drove through several times, even stopped to see some "Yard Art", that is the next blog. If you ever get near Niland, Calif., stop by Slab City, you WILL get an education, we sure did.How we thank God for a nice clean bus, clothes, body and food, but it was fun to look around, try it, it sort of gives you a picture of the other side of the coin.
Until next time, when you will see someones trash turned into someone elses treasures! Toodles, Hugs, Prayers and Smiles, Arlette & Bill too, and the Sassy
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