On our way, still behind the McAleers, cool picture of them, huh? But as we got closer, Brrrrr., looks cold, are you SURE this is a good idea?
Oh yeah, just look at this cool bus, as you can see, they are all set up. It is a Bluebird bus like the very first one we started on before we got Whody. As you can see, the wind is blowing pretty hard. Don't ya love the palm tree?? They are set up super!
I do believe it gets cold and snowy here, or why do they need that crawly thing? It's cute tho. ha ha And another bus , this is a crown, with all the signs on it, they have been to quite a few Bluegrass Festivals here!
Now here you have the cream of the crop, notice the sunshine and smiling faces, welllll, that night it rained like crazy, leaving a lake outside of Bob & Cindys bus, soooo.................
Clever Cindy, put up this cute sign, "It's cool by the Pool",
and Bob set out to show you just how cool, notice flamingo, ice tea glass, hat, small table, this guy was seriously into this! Oh yes, he also has a brush to even take a bath if he chooses, what a guy!!
These folks played during the open mike time, so cute, the lady in the greenish!yellow top came out and asked them if they could do another song, but the little girls didn't know another, so Daddy decided that Mom could sing a solo. She was so scared when she started out, but did a wonderful job, notice the look of pride on the Husbands face.
This was a group that played open mike on Sunday Morning, what a joy to hear songs that he wrote himself. He gave his testimony about how the Lord had saved him, and man oh man could he play that Dobro!
I just like this guys style, I love an aggressive banjo player, YEE~HAW!
The fella with the fiddle was camped with his family, never met him, but met his adorable little 2 year old daughter.
Got a big kick out of the way this guy carried his baby, ya see all kinds of folks here!
This group were Brothers & Sisters, really good, the fella with the Dobro and bowler hat was also a trivia buff and would spout trivia in between songs.
Another family group, there were 3 younguns they let sing, 1 little boy about 8 and 2 girls.
This is one of the girls, what a great voice for someone so young. She wasn't nervous at all, at least if she was she didn't show it!
Now if this doesn't take the cake, Sweet William said "I'm gona go take Sassy out for a walk", ya right, see what he is doing? He got caught, he is eating cookies and sippin' on a soda, the stinker!! ha ha
This is the view you saw, coming from our bus into the listening area, what a view, huh???
This was the United States Navy Band, what amazing fellas. We have seen them 3 times and they just get better!
I took this so you could see OUR view of the stage, although we were much closer than this.
Notice what some of the speakers are sitting on, huge stumps, also notice they are covered with blue plastic to keep them dry!
This would be Cindy, love that big smile gal! She was taking my picture as I was taking hers! We do that a lot it seems.
Hoola Hoops galore, this gal kept up 3, but lost the 4th one right away. Ya gotta love the little guys expression!
There is nothing quite like the American flag, flying high. There are a lot of Canadians at Bluegrass festivals, so you also see the flag of Canada as well as of the state of Washington.
I was trying to sneak a picture of these three, but Sweet William saw me and waved! Cute, ain't he? It was cold that day, but not rainy, Thank the Lord!!
This was an MCI bus, it was driven by the headliner band, sorry can't remember their name, but they were really good. He and Bill stood and talked for a while. They were headed for Ohio to do a show the next week~end, bet the driver really puts that bus in high gear!
There was all different kinds of camping here, we especially like this one, they even had a "green box" like we use to have, it wasn't green, but held a lot of the things necessary for this kind of camping, making things easy to find, no hunting! Both my kids will understand this, right?
This was just a peek at the beautiful skies we saw there, well, when it wasn't raining! We had a great time anyway, had good music, super friends and lotz of laughs, it was great!Well, for now, keep on coming back, we are going on a little visit, then we will head for my Sisters in Spokane, come on along! Love to all of ya, Prayers and hugs, Arlette & Bill too, and the Sassy
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