Just when you thought you were rid of me, here I IS!!!! We were in Baker City for a week to visit our daughter Donna, knowing we had a bus rally to go to in Rickreal, Oregon a week later. We stuck around for Fathers day and my birthday, told the kids we would see them in about a week. There we sits, right next to our little house, ain't we purty???
Took a little time to take a picture of this pretty valley and went with Donna to take pictures of some foxes. This is as good as I got, she got some amazing pictures of the cute little boogers!
When we headed out we decided to stop at Hilgard Junction for the night, don't want to go to far ya know, and drove down to Camp Elkanah, a church camp we use to go to, just to see if there were improvements, and yep, there were!
Here you see Sweet William starting a fire for me, and he even set the table and started the cool "mosquito killer" that Donna got me for my birthday, it works too!!!
We then ate burny dogs, as you can see, they WERE burnt, as well as a few other things, and then had perfectly golden brown marshmallows, welllll, that was if Bill cooked 'em, now me?, I love them like charcoal, maybe we could call them "burnymallows" ya think????
Here we are by the river, "Lookin' good"!!
Got down in the Gorge near the Columbia River, and it looked so good we spent a day there too, here you see Sweet William, working really hard, ha ha.
We watched the barges go by, counted train cars and watched the local Indians net fish. What a treat that was for us! The best thing is, it wasn't windy, I know, hard to believe, but true. Below is a pretty sunset, quite a view, right?????
Got down to Rickreal, what fun. Loved this bus, Bill told me this is what our Whody looked like before she became who she is. Quite a surgeon is my Sweet William, he gave Whody quite a face lift!!!! I think this is such a pretty bus, just the way she is, but I love Whody more!!! And loved the name, Charley was my Daddys name!
If you look really close, you will see Bob & Cindys Silly cat looking out the window at us, just biding his time until he could get out there with us!! Silly is his name.
There were all kinds of buses there, Cindy was greeting him, this one had 4, you got it, FOUR slide outs, it was pretty cool, but for us that is about four to many, we like to snuggle! ha ha Friday I took a little time off from the rally and went down to have lunch with my gals. This would be Ruby~Duby, ain't she pretty?? I think so! It was her time to be in charge and she did it very well!!
Dot,Dot, nope, not stutterin', both of these sweet ladys are Dots, love to ya both. I had such a good time. Below you see Sassy, Bill had eaten a little ice cream cup and he let her lick it out. He tried to take it away from her, "I don't think so !" she says.
After the rally we went to visit Bills brother and sister~in~law, John and Sarah, close your mouth Sar! Above is their pretty mobile.
Anxious to talk, ain't they!
We left them and headed towards Portland, spent a few days at the campgrounds, 7th Day Adventist, where Bill use to work, he so enjoys visiting with the fellas there, so once again I got the chance to visit with my gals, here we are playing Bingo at the rec. room in their court. I won my buck back, YEE~HAW!!
We had intended to head back to Baker City, but found out at the rally that Bob & Cindy, our sometimes travel friends were not going to Alaska, and they invited us up to Washington, Burien to be exact, to spend a week at their house, then go to a bluegrass festival in Darrington, Washington, so here we go.......... come on along if you've a mind to. This is a picture of the building near Fort Lewis. always loved this! It is a beautiful building that they are restoring, you go Army!!!!!Will be back soon, we HAVE been busy, so will share what pictures I have, OK? But for now, Hugs, Love and Prayers to ya, Arlette & Bill too, and the Sassy PS: To all my gals, I WILL get that house cleaned out some day, just havin' waay to much fun right now!!!!! ha ha
1 comment:
Well Hello Kids, good to hear from you. HAPPY "B" DAY, better late then...... So does Sassy miss us?
Christi loved the Gorge when we went through it 3 years ago. You guys are having to much fun, we are at Blue Mesa, CO on a 10 day singing/vac. We needed it bad.
Be safe, M&C
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