Here we are looking down over the rim in Canyon the top!
And there is THAT road!
We started down and I spied what I thought was wild strawberries, but maybe it was just a flower.Bill said I just didn't want to look down, I'm no 'fraidy cat!!
Yep, that is what it is really like, windy and steep.................
and rocky.......
but look how amazing!!!!
so we started down, down, down. YIKES, this looks like it could dislodge at anytime, and we are just below it!
Here is where we were, and we are just getting started!
You can still see the buildings and the fence, but we are still going down, just look at that rock formation!
along the way.....
here you see Bob & Cindy Mc., they are about 2 switchbacks ahead.If there are any problems, they will encounter them first, I mean, what are friends for??? ha ha
Picture to look at.
Just look at that beautiful valley!
Keep in mind it is a veery deep canyon, I know, we are crazy, but it really is fun!
About the time you think you are at the bottom, it keeps on going waaaaay down.
Here you can sorta see how far down, you can see the other road on the left. It was so beautiful it took your breath away and not just because it was so far down!
This was so many different colors, and so sheer below, amazing.
The colors you see here were twice as vibrant, and down in the left hand corner, that was a brilliant red, took your breath away it was so pretty.
Liked this one, it showed the whole valley and beyond!
This is a better view of the colors, they were amazing! I just never got tired of seeing all the wonderful views, colors and formations!
Looking back...........
SIT!!! STAY!!!
Man, for a while there we thought maybe we had gotten on the wrong road. we don't just follow a road, we also go off on any side road we see, NUTZ, but fun!
Just wonder where these plain boulders came from, they are plain, but amazing as well!!
Looking at these I wondered if in another 100 years there would be more pillars like these on the left. There are more big boulders there!
Bill thought this rock looked like an airplane, I thought it looked like a dog, maybe Snoopy, anyone have any thoughts?
Well, isn't this nice of them, a comfort station about half the way down! cool!
WHOO HOO there is the Green River, how pretty!
Another picture, look at the formations on the left!
Just one view of the amazing rock formation. If you look at the level just above the very bottom level it looks like ruffles, you know, "ruffles have ridges". ha ha
OH NO, is Bob trying to save Cindy? Or the other way around, We need Sherlock Holmes to study this situation!!!!
Caves everywhere!!
Here we are at the bottom, such beauty, WOW!!
Now we are headed out of the valley, reluctantly, but it is getting late.
I wanted to crawl up there and give him some eyes and a mouth, but it is really pretty high. Wouldn't he look good with a smiling face?????
Here we are, 'on the brink' more or less, and you are seeing the Green River, and it is green!!!
Almost home.
Remember these from another blog?, these are the leaching ponds for Potash, we looked at them from waaay up, and on the other side of the Colorado a few blogs back.
They are quite pretty, the white you see is salt. Below is a rock formation we thought looked like a chicken. Bill & Bob, being of the same mind, thought it would be fun, so they acted like Bill had his leg caught, and Bob was straining to get it out. One BIG problem, Bill is grinning like crazy and Bob looks like he is staining alright! HA HA!!
Oh no,now he has his arm caught!! Just kidding, of course! Where is Bob to help him get out? Again, that grin,if this were real, don't think it would be there!!
It had rained, and when we got to Potash, met this road grader, bless his heart, he knew we were coming and wanted to smooth out the road for us, right? Right!
Can you believe there are Llamas out here? Saw 4!
Back on the Colorado, there are the boats that take you down the rapids.
and here are the duel engines I have put in another blog, but we came in a big circle this time,not straight towards them!!Now, we are ahead of the MCs, and our day is just about over. We then went out to dinner, went back to our buses and prepared to leave beautiful Moab and return to Oregon and Washington.
This will be my last blog for awhile, we will be visiting family and friends, so I will not be so inclined to sit and blog. It has been a great year for us, we have especially enjoyed the company of Bob & Cindy and hope we can do it again sometime. It is always fun to travel with other bus nuts!
We are now in Corvallis visiting family, and will head for Milwaukie soon, Thanks for being with us and check back, if we do any excursions, I will put them on, OK? In the meantime, Love, Hugs, Prayers and Smiles to all our blogger family! Arlette & Bill too, and the Sassy
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