Anyone who knows me knows that as a waitress I always put a smiley face on the back of my tickets when I could, I love eyes and faces, no matter where they are, so here are a few I found in a retaining wall.
This is close to the one I used for years............
These were so cool, all up and down this retaining wall. Loved it!
We found the road that went on the opposite side of the river from our campground, and saw these holes, that had been drilled, or maybe were still being drilled, in the rock.
We saw this, and thought perhaps these people were afraid of a fallout of some kind and were making provisions far back into the rocks.
Well, at least for now they had a chair where they could enjoy the sunset! ha ha
We also came upon this, in the same area. Both ends were open on the large building and one entrance on the small. There was only a motorcycle in one and nothing in the other??? HMmmmmmm
We came upon about 6 bicyclers headed out to go mountain biking.
As you can see, this is all rock to start out. This gal was the last one over it.
a very apt name, who knows what awaits them on the trail.
As we were driving along the upper road, we saw this road, and it had people on it, Zowie, we gotta find that road!!
Yikes, it is a loooong way down there!More road,more people................
We searched and low and behold, we found it!
Whoo Hoo, look at that switchback, and just below that you can see where the road continues, how exciting to think of what lays in store!
Here come the Mcs, down the hill.
What is so great about getting off the regular roads is that you get to see such beauty, even more unusual sights than above.
Things loom large from the bottom of a canyon.
Man, there are so many rocks just balancing, yet you can't push them over, to heavy, guess it pays to have a heavy bottom, huh??? ha ha
You drive by wondering if they are gonna fall on you, and if a really good rain came, I guess they could!
Of course I rarely miss the flowers, these were so delicate!
Here we are at the bottom.....
looking up...........
so we traversed on, amazing, just shear rock.
This time with the Mcs in front, their rig is higher than ours, and if they can get over it, we try!!
Here we are looking at Potash leaching ponds. Keep them in mind, you may see them again.
Amazing country, there is the Colorado river, just below.
This looks like someone had built brick or rock fences, but no one has, awesome!
There is Sweet William, standing on the edge, he love to do that, the gooney bird!!
This is where we are.
Not sure what this looked like, but it had feet, it was just standing there, all by itself! Pretty Cool.
Another view of the Colorado River from the top.
Talk about livin' on the edge! ha ha
There go the Mcs. on farther, we decided not to go on, our little Suzuki didn't need anymore damage, so we went back to Moab.
Here's this little guy again, and if you can't read the sign above it, it says "It's a rock, get over it!" A very common phrase in this country! Have never seen so many jeeps anywhere!
Another colorful bus, funny thing was, the other side wasn't painted, it was still yellow!
I had seen this place several times as we went out to look around, and always there were a lot of people there, sooooo.............
Looks like the 50's, doesn't it?
Little hole in the wall, with the best................
Hand cut french fries.......
good hamburgers, made there by hand, not brought in frozen. They also had the best milkshakes, yummmo.Whiles eating our dinner we got pelted with a huge sandy wind, and just got into our cars before the rain started, so decided to take a little ride. To Bills delight, we found an old VW graveyard with a whole bunch of the VW vans he has always wanted, should have taken pictures, but don't want him to see something like that to often, he will be trading Whody off for a VW van! Yeah, right!
We drove around whiles the rain poured down, then headed for home and the comfort of our bus, and seeing a rainbow, we were assured we wouldn't get swept away! See ya later folks! Love, Prayers and Hugs, Arlette & Bill too, and the Sassy
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