We finally made it! WhooHoo!!
More beauty, here is a small arch, it was waaaay up there!
Amazing rock sculptures, all a pretty red and some with a beige or white top.
Now we know how it got it's name, look at the arches................
This fella just stood there alone against all those snowy mountains, it was like he is saying "Oh yeah, I'm as big as you any day" Got get 'em Rocky!!
This one couldn't decide weather to stay or go, can you believe how precarious this is?
We were driving along and I hollered at Bill,"there's a person up there", 'course he said, "you are seeing things". But when we got a little closer,
There not only was a person up there, there was another one on the way up!!! Amazing, says I!!!!
Just look at all these rock formations, Holy, Moly!!!!
These looked like they were snugglin', one has a hand around the others neck. Can you see it? They must both be old, they both have turkey necks!! Sorry, I think OLD is BEAUTIFUL, wrinkles and all!!!!
YeeHaw, the other person is up there now.
AND..... There are 2 more waiting at the bottom to go up! The wind was blowing hard, and it was cold, even though the sun was shining.
WHOOHOO he is on top, and she is coming up right behind him!!!
There ya go folks, they both made it and....................Pretty cool if ya ask me!
What goes up must come down......
There is another arch, how cool is that, you can see through 2 at once!
Here's another Paul Bunyan starter arch, I loved them too!
Over on the left you see another starter arch, just a wee one!
A momma and a baby, and look at all the wonderful weird shaped rocks!
Now here is one you could walk up to, so we did!!
Here we are, looking down on the parking lot, see the bus? No not Whody, our bus, but a tour bus non the less!!
This was taken across the way from the one we walked up to.
Here we are in all our glory, good picture huh! Some nice young lady took it for us! Notice the beautiful blue sky!!
These pictures just do not do justice to the colors, they are very vivid red!
Here comes Bob Mc. down from an arch directly across from the one we are on, if he can get up there, so can we!!!
ARrrggggg, pain, agony, I had to sit down and scoot my HUGE buttocks up the rock, but by george, I made it, TA DA!!
Talk about the wonders of the world, we sure saw them in Utah!!Pretty, amazing, awesome,magnificent, and any other word I know to describe such beauty. I'm talking about the picture above the picture above! Did I say that right????
Here you see a lady's church hat, right down to the feather, right??
This looked to me like books on a bookshelf, and to Bob Mc. it looked like toast in a toaster, what an amazing thing!
Do you see a one eyed monster??
And this looked like somebody had poured powdered sugar all over it!! No, I didn't go up and taste it! ha ha
Wow,that was all I could say!
More awesome rock formations.
If you look close, there is a little yellow and red bird, tried to get a better picture, but the blasted thing flew away, doesn't he know how pretty he is?? Probably not!
When we got back to camp the wind had blown so hard it ripped the Mcs awning up and over his bus, ouch!!! That means money out of your pocket!
Bill & Bob managed to get it off the top, and thank the Lord no windows were broken nor solar panels either!
Between the two of them.....
They managed to get it back up, but there will have to be repairs done anyway!
Cindys flamingo was blown down, but she put it right back up, about 10 times!
Such a nice day, to bad about the awning, but what a nice sunset. Time to hit the sack, so see ya next time! Love, Hugs and Prayers to you all, Arlette & Bill too, and the Sassy!!
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