OK, there are some big ups and downs between here and Boulder, so Bill & Bob decided to jack Whody up, crawl under and adjust the brakes...............
everything is high and ready.............
Bob laid a blanket down, blacktop is scratchy ya know,..................
Bill crawled under to see what Bob was doing..............
Then we hit the road for all those ups for Bob & downs for Bill, Cindy and I in pursuit! There isn't as much weight if the cars aren't attatched.
There goes the Whody, so far so good!
This is the valley we are out to conquer!!
Hang on Bill, you can make it!
Here comes another one, but I do believe he has it all in hand!!
We are up at quite a high elevation, woohoo, black smoke from the Whody!!!
Last hill dowwnn before we get to Boulder, yeehaw! See, sometimes things aren't all rosy for us, but we have been so blessed to always keep going!
Pulled into Boulder,UT, this is just a little 4 camp spot place along the road, kinda like a 4holer, hee hee,but we are ready to stop!!
Decided to go eat at this little restaurant, this is what Cindy ordered, some kind of puff pastry with asparagus.
Bob ordered a bacon burger and yummy potatoes, and we ordered....................
One veery large double bacon cheeseburger to split, almost died, $18.95, yep you got it folks, its organic, and it was great, but glad we split it!! We ordered their fresh, homemade peach pie, ala, as well, diet food, yummy, right? Well, yes, it was, until we got the bill, $48. and some odd cents for a hamburger (1) and pie ala, (2) YIKES!!!!! Only did that once! ha ha
This was a very eclectic place, lots of very relaxed folks here, very nice ones I might add. We did go back for pie ala again, but this time we shared a piece! Cheep, cheep, yup, that would be us!!!
Even the local deer were fun, but they didn't want to stick around and play, they saw me with my camera and took off like a shot!
Here are some of the local spots, gorgeous, huh??
Bob & Cindy Mc., reading a sign at the overlook.
Found another road, in the snow............
went a little ways, had ta get our snow fix!!
the next few pictures just show some of the beauty around here, the colors were much more vivid than they show in a picture!
More red in these hills, sorry, Here we are at Calf Creek Campground, a place of wonder, but much to small for our big Whody bus.
More pretty outcroppings!
It was getting dark, notice the full moon on the right of the picture, pretty cool,
so we headed on through the campground..................
Even had to drive through the creek, and saw several fish on the left side, just eatin' their dinner and swimmin' around!
Then it was time to go back to Boulder, UT and settle in for the night! Sooo, nitey, nite!Hugs, Love and Prayers to all, Arlette & Bill too, and the Sassy
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