#2 pictures of Boulder, UT, and around
I love small towns, cool Town Hall, there was a lot of activity going on here too.
This was a painting on their little grade school.
Then we hit the road for another look at the wild side....................
Talk about unique,she even has earrings on, and I do hope that isn't a moustache, not sure how you would wax metal! chuckle
Now this looks like a really tough dude, I love someones ingenuity, really cute.
There isn't much explanations for the next few pictures, just that is was soo amazing. Hells backbone wasn't a bad drive, really pretty, actually.
Thought maybe this was someones house that finally gave up and fell down, not sure tho!
More pretty landscape..........
Sad little house, really small, but bigger than Whody in some ways! ha ha, notice the gas pump on the left, .32 a gallon for regular, add another $4, and you are close!
Amazing how big chunks just fall out and leave these pretty arch looking things.
We are the majestic brothers, what is your problem, harrumph!
Nuthin' boys, just standin' here mindin' my own business!!
Bill laughed when I said these, whatever they were, looked like a really good crease in a pair of jeans. sorry you can't see the pleats in them, they were knife sharp!!
The colors here were wonderful, from a deep red to a soft moss green, sorry, wish the colors were better.
So many of these outcroppings, some looked like they were about to topple over!
Now we are headed for Moab, UT, right behind out friends the McAleers in their 4104, 'The Last Resort'. We have so enjoyed their company!! See ya later, Hugs, Arlette & Bill too, and the Sassy
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