Cedar City Museum #2
Now you are seeing the REAL stage, looks like it was rode hard and if you look close, is pretty ragged. It still had the window curtains, something the other stage didn't have. Looked mighty uncomfortable to me!
If you can read the sign, it tells you a little about it.
A typical Living room? Well maybe, there were a lot of things there, including an old organ and...............
This, for the younger generation, that is a large disc, it was put on top of the round flat thing, then you put that dealie on the right side on the disc, turn it on and Walla, music! Sorry, just my sense of humor.
The kitchen was the hub of the household, it had a cool stove, and you can see the butter churn and egg basket, as well as a desk in the back corner and a spinning wheel too.
Self explanatory, so look down...
Bill tried to get in, but the door was locked. Phooey, this would just be another pokey across the USA that he put himself into. ha ha. This one had room for 6 bunks, and you would have to really be packed in, no shade, and open to onlookers. Yucky!
Below are pictures inside this cabin.
Nice fireplace..........
A bed, high enough to put a pot underneath, and a night table..
It was a small house, but as you could see above, it had what you needed!
This was really interesting, because it was like the house, yet different.
No fireplace, just a multi use stove, and a cot.
Unlike the house, they had covers for the windows, Indians? Animals? Don't know for sure.
There is the line shack, it was also very small.
Here you have a Mormon, one room school house. notice the name.
They didn't mess with those who didn't want to learn, you had your very own corner!!
The blackboard, with spelling words and the assignments of each class.
Thought this was interesting, Oregon territory,Utah territory and New Mexico territory, but Texas is Texas, same as always!
In this building is where they use to shear sheep, it was really an amazing set up.
Kind of in front of Bill and overhead, there is a pole that was used for each mans shearing equip. to hook up. More about it at the end.
Old equipment used to shear sheep.
The wool was put in here to be washed.
See, there you see the wool.
Everything was there to make that wool into yarn to make clothing, etc. Not sure it was here during shearing season tho. More likely it was in the homes, or at least another building.
This is a much better picture of the overhead mechanism, it was awesome!
This was a very old sheep branding iron, awesome, huh?
Here you have the belt, that attached to a tractor, that made everything move and work correctly. It was such an interesting place, we could just stand there and feel the men pulling the sheep up there to shear. Awesome! THE END, well sorta, See ya next time, Love, Hugs and Prayers,Arlette & Bill too, and the Sassy
1 comment:
if you guys would visit we could take you to a sheer shed that is exactly the same that is still in use the sheep don't no that it is out dated and the men get paid all the same.
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