Loved the picture of this garage, oh the days of yesteryear, notice the back end of the car on the left! I'm sure I rode in a few of those, well, maybe not, I'm not THAT old! hee hee
This house just looked so cool, what a view, after the cattle are fed and horses corralled, dinner and dishes done, you could just sit there and enjoy the view!! Terrific!
Here you have quite the buggy, built for those folks who could afford a driver, I'm sure. It was called the Clarence, forgot why, sorry.
Very plush inside, so as not to hurt the ladies derrieres! Men back then were suppose to have tuff hineys, right??
This was a Mountain wagon, see the box on the back for a BIG picnic lunch? Sounds like the kind of wagon Sweet William would buy, because it was really sturdy, and you all know me, I could fill up that basket with a LOT of good stuff, then off to the mountains we would go!
There you see a replica of the Wells Fargo Stage, and this one you can crawl up into if you have a notion and pretend you are flying across the trails!
This is a water wagon, used pretty much the same as todays water trucks. Each wagon had a custom built water barrel on it. The streets were watered very early in the morning before traffic started for the day. Makes sense, right?
This is a basket used to carry the body of a deceased child from its home to the mortuary. Except for it's use, it really was a beautiful basket. Oh yes, it was also used to help with viewing, and that was done many times in the home.
Did you know the color of a hearse was significant? A white hearse, like the one above, was used to carry a child, or young person, a black one was for adults. Does anyone out there know if that rule still applies?
This is a Snowmobile, built by local craftsmen about 1927 for Idaho Power & light, and later used to carry movie crews up to snow covered mountains.Sure looks well used doesn't it?
These are snowshoes used in the area about the same era, and as you can see, they were used very well. My daughter Donna has learned to use snowshoes, Go Donna!!
BUSSES, had to take a picture of the buses! These took visitors up to the lodge in Zion. Am told it was an honor to be chosen to work there! Your status was almost that of a movie star, except the pictures we saw of the young people there was super, dressed discreetly, the girls in dress uniforms and the boys were handsome too in uniforms. Impressive!!
There is Whody before she changed her appearance and became Whody! Bill wanted to take this sooo bad, but he wouldn't do that, so I took a picture instead. She is pretty, even like that, right?
This was the Main Street of Cedar City back in the 30's and I loved this picture. Notice the water fountain and lack of garbage, very unlike today me thinks!Well, this is just the beginning folks, it was an outstanding museum , so of course I took tons of pictures and have to do it in 3 blogs! WHEW!!! Again, thanks for coming along, woulda held your hand had ya been here. (well, maybe). Hugs, Love and Prayers, Arlette & Bill too, and the Sassy
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