Hershey and Lancaster PA
Here is a barn we saw on our way to Hershey,PA, as you can see. What a fun place. It was about 90*, we had parked in a shopping mall about 15miles away, which meant no air unless the generator is running, sooooo, we had to take the dog, which means you don't do anything much, like going into the chocolate factory, cause they don't allow dogs, and can't leave her in the car, don't want toasted dog, OH BOTHER, but we had a delightful time anyway.
This is what a lot of Hershey contains, if you have kids, by all means go, 30years ago Bill and I would have been game, but now he said he would probably puke all over everyone so best not go!! TRUE!!!!! They must have had 5 or 6 rollercoasters, all in the same place, and other gizmos that did stuff that made us sick just looking at them!
I haven't a clue what the 2 smoke stacks were for, but I thought they looked like 2 HUGE sticks of chocolate, and that impessed me, wouldn't ya know?? As we drove downtown it was so cool to see that all the street lights were covered with Hershey kisses, it was soo cute, we loved it! Next we headed for Lancaster,PA, went through this covered bridge, and just on the other side.........

these beautiful, and friendly mules. We stopped for a while, and of course I talked to them, they talked back at me, sorta, but didn't come close enough for me to touch their muzzles, phooey! The kids you see here are Amish, we saw several of these buggys around, some larger, but for some reason we decided to follow these 2, we lost them for a while, then deciced to take another road back, and almost ran over them. Didn't want to scare them, just wanted to see where they lived, about the time we were ready to give up, they turned into a beautiful farm. What a contrast of cultures we saw, however the Amish are not to proud to take your money. There were shops everywhere with eveerything you could imagine. I stopped at one store and got some of their noodles, and a cookbood for a friend, as well as a few other things including the best homemade cinnamon raisin bread, wished I'd got 2, guess nobody wonders how I got such a large hineybumper, huh?? We saw many buggies like this, some larger,some more elaborate, but these 2 kids caught our eye and we decided to follow them to see where they lived, didn't want to scare them, we were just curious. About the time we were ready to give up, they pulled into a beautiful farm, that SHOULD be the next picture, but isn't, it is the last one, Bill & I weren't sure if that was where they lived or if they were taking refuge from those "weirdos" from Oregon that were following them! And now here we are in the state of New York, and I might add, it is very pretty here. We are in a family campground and plan on going to see Annie Powell, I am so excited, haven't seen her in quite a while, so those who know her, come on back, and you will see a picture of Sweet Annie. Not the next blog, I goofed again, but the one after that, OK?
This is a map of all the states Bill and I have been in so far, all but 20 if you don't count Hawaii, doubt we will ever go there, and we counted Alaska because we have been there and doubt we will go back, but who knows?? Impressed us, didn't know we had been to so many,it all happened so fast! The next month we will be able to add a few more! Yahoo, can't wait! Below is the beautiful farm the 2 Amish kids pulled into, it may not have been home, they may have been taking refuse from those crazy Oregonians, who knows. Well for now, keep on comin' back and I'll keep on writing when I can. Smiles, Hugs and Prayers , Arlette & Bill too, and the Sassy

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