Hey to all of you; Here we are in Pennsylvania, and here is Bill, planting Whody between these 2 trees, it was a lovely campground, lotz of kids, and lotz of fires every night, not ours, but enjoyed them anyway. We sat out each night until it got dark or the bugs came to visit, whichever came first, and watched the lightning bugs, what a treat, it looks like sparks coming right out of the ground, there little hineys light up, and it is amazing, had one on the side of Whody, going off and on, could almost hear it say "Yow, lookit guys, I can see me, blink,blink, come on guys look at ME!!" Yes I talk for many things, animals, bugs, and sometimes inanimate objects! (SMILE) 
This was a diorama we went to, amazing how well put together it was. As we went onto the real battlefield, it all made sense, someone went to a lot of work, that's for sure! Next is an "Auto Car" built special for Yellowstone Park back in the 30's, thought maybe it would bring back memories for someone, who knows, sure were cute!
This statue represents all the different types of men that fought in the Civil War, didn't write them down, so don't remember, just know they came from every walk of life, amazing. Next is Sweet William, he walked to the top of one of the towers to get a good look at the battlefield.
This is the Pennsylvania monument, the black tiles at the bottom represent all the soldiers that were from the State, let me tell you, there were a lot of them, what a battle, again I say, everyone in the USA should be made to go to these battlefields to see what was done for our freedom! The next picture is of a barn that still has a hole in it from a cannon, amazing!
This was another diorama, only it showed the trains involved, also a good one.The trains moved too, it was a great museum, had so many different model trains, even a tootsie roll one! Below, we took a little "train ride" with President Lincoln on his way to deliver the Gettysburg address, the guy looked a lot like Lincoln, and every one was in costume, it was a fun thing to do.
Then, as always, we took a ride to just look around, and found this cool log house from the Civil war,built in 1799, and this stone house, also from that era, someone was living in this one. OH NO, is that a ghost in the upper right hand window??? Yikes!!
Then we went to a hardware store and guess who I met~~~~ Kaw-liga, that poor old wooden head!! you young folks won't understand this but it was a song sang years ago when us old folks were your age!! He is till around, just waitin' for that Indian Maiden! Well folks, I left out so much, you would read forever if I put all I wanted to on here, I told you very little, but didn't know for sure just where to start. Gettysburg is another one of those amazing places you have to see for your self, right Bill Keefer??? So until next time, love to ya all, Arlette and Bill too, and the Sassy.
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