Some fun stuff whiles we were near Tucson, AZ
Wow, we even look good in the dark! We were taking a walk and I always take my camera, so in this blog there will be a few "in the dark" pics.
Not sure I like this one, heaven knows I'm wide enough without making it worse, ha ha!
I know, I'm a little crazy at times, can't help it.We look weird,don't we?Gotta walk the dog, but she wouldn't stand in the right place so I could get her shadow!
This was a very beautiful truck, and even prettier in the daylight, didn't think to take a picture then, we were to busy running around!
My last ,night picture, this is a Cactus, and it had these funny bulb looking things on it, and what looked like it had once been a bloom. Dot E. If you see this and know what it is, let me know, OK?
Bill and I have talked about driving to Argentina, and thought this might be a good rig to do it in, who knows, we might!!
Well, Bill thought this guy might make a good boyfriend, so I says "NU~UH" he needs to slim down a little and most of all, put on some clothes!!
In one of my blogs a while, well, a loooong while back I showed picts of Bill & I at the Air Museum near Tucson, AZ. Planes fascinate me, and this graveyard looked awesome against the mountains. There is another picture above this one. Sorry got it goofed up!
Headed out of Tucson and guess what? The deally that you use to put oil in Whody, decided to take a leave of absence. And look what happened, oil all over my nice car, again. Soooooo.............
Here is Sweet William, under the Bus to get the thing fixed. Gets harder every day to crawl under, that's for sure!!!
These are some rocks I thought were cool, so I took their picture whiles Bill was fixing Whody. They look like they are going to start rolling at any moment, but they didn't!!
There is a story behind this cactus. We have knocked it off, broken the pot it was in, put it in a new pot, see the white stuff, we were ready to throw it out, thought it ws moldy. Fooled us, isn't it pretty, and it is still a bloomin' idiot!! My Eagle head, I was told looks more like a rooster, but I think he is magnificent!!!
Now here is another Idea for us when we can't get behind the wheel of Whody anymore, what do ya think? We are always amazed at all the flowers we see in Jan. and Feb., not use to that when in Oregon! ha,! Short but sweet, and I will keep on keeping on so all can enjoy at least some of the sights we see.
Until when, Hugs, Prayers and Smiles, Arlette & Bill too, and the Sassy girl.
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