Howdy, We are now at Abiquiu Lake. Another of New Mexicos' hidden beauty spots.
Below you see Whody settled in her spot, overlooking the lake.
Then, as usual, we go out exploring! Found this dirt road, a magnet for Sweet William, below the Welcome center and the Dam, so let's take a drive...............
All the usual warnings, we heard the horns blowing at the other lake, mostly in the evening hours when they were releasing water from the dam.
These pictures were taken above the dam, pretty, huh??
You know me and the sky, I love the puffy clouds and the beautiful sunshine.
Below you see our dream house, what a view!!!!
This is the other view, seems it needs a LOT of work, so guess we will stick with Whody!! ha ha
The rock formations here are so interesting.
This place was really cool, well taken care of , although it didn't look like anyone lived there we were quite sure someone did, you just never know!
If you want to see Sweet William get all excited, you should have seen his face when we wandered onto these old Autos. We spent half an hour just looking and checking what was here and not here. Have to admit they were pretty cool.
Lotz of old houses, we like to figure out what went on when these were actually someones home, of course you can't, but we try!
This is an excellent view of what we see, there you see Whodys backside.
This is the boat ramp near our campground, you would have to be very careful, as you can see, the ground comes right up on the right side, it was interesting.
Another amazing formation on a mountain side.
Love the trees around here, not sure what they are, but love all the angles and the hugeness of them, wish they could talk and tell their stories, we could learn a lot!
Below you see what happens once in a while when you go off road. We had a flat tire! Bill changed it and we headed to Wal~mart to get it fixed. So you see, we have problems too! ha ha!
Got it fixed and back on the road, so another blog is sure to come!! Until then, Smiles, Hugs and Prayers. Arlette & Bill too, and the Sassy
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