Well, ahem, yep, the big mouth is back, and as you know, when I get in a certain area I always put on a picture of...... Border Patrol, but this is the first time I have actually seen the picture below, Zowie!!! ;*)
Don't remember where this is, Cindy could tell you for sure, but we saw a sign, whiles driving the buses, of course, so we quickly pulled off the road and headed up this gravel road, Bob & Cindys 'The Last Resort' first, Gingerly we followed them, and when we arrived, there was no place to park, arrggg, no signs saying anything about it, so very patiently, although she was stamping her tires just a bit, 'Whody' waited for ' The Last Resort' to make her turn, then she started hers, screech, tremble, scrape, NOPE our big ole gal couldn't make it, so Bill got out, unhooked the tow and Whew, greased her back on the road!
What a beautiful tower and out buildings, the landscaping was great too, but it wasn't a place to stop for lunch, how ever.......
We got to see fishies, Aliens in spaceships all ready for Christmas, and a few other strange things too, it turned out to be fun! Thought you might enjoy it! Snicker. You wait, I have a lot more "different" to get to!
Took the Eagle picture because I liked it and thought you would as well, and just look at those amazing valleys and hills. Can you imagine coming as a pioneer and seeing these, knowing you had to cross 'em? Ahem, just lost my pioneering spirit, well, maybe!
This little jail is in Julian, California, Isn't it cute, all dressed for the holidays, sorry they are long gone! :*( The Holidays I mean .)
And of course, when Sweet William sees a jail he has to be in there, well, he was fakin' it a little, the cells were locked, would you look at those accommodations, whoo hoo, A cot, a pot, probably a hot, at least once a day, and even a sink to wash up in! Could you ask for any better????
Here is the story, so get out you microscope, it's worth the read, and Oh Yeah, we had to pay to get him out of hot water, see the sign for the fund? hee hee Just kiddin'.
It was Christmas time , so the horse and carriage rides were available, and this cute little pony and carriage was so cute.
Whiles driving around we spotted this cool camper below, it was a thing of beauty, many hours of work went into it. below are some more pictures.
This guy was amazing with wood, just look at his camper on his truck. If he should read this blog we all say "Wonderful work, hope you enjoy it!"
In the next yard we saw all these awesome insulators, weren't sure what they had made, but it was pretty cool as well. What you don't see down here where it is warm and you can work outside, LOVE IT, love folks creativity!WHEW!!!!!! I finally got one out, sorry, was sick a few days after New Years day, but got here as soon as I could!
Will put some more on (hopefully) tomorrow. Love, Hugs and Prayers to all, as well as a special thanks to you folks that keep on puttin' up with me! Arlette & Bill too, and the Sassy
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