Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Light Show, it IS Christmas ya know!

After we had a wonderful meal of fish and chips, we then went to see a light show.  Not gona say much, just scroll down and look at all the beautiful creations, there were a lot of amazing ones for sure!

This one took some doing, for sure, would I be that patient??? NOOOPE. but it sure is pretty!

Now that's the way for Santa to get around,looks like Rudolph is a bit jealous, doesn't it?? (2 above, ) havin' an awful time lining up words with pictures tonight!  OH WELL..... Above is a surfer, well we are in California, right?
How about the sea serpent, any one remember Cecil the sea sick sea serpent???
This one below was interesting, the little elf was using the hose to make a snowman, then it would melt and he would blow another one, really cute!!

Anyone who knows me knows I would love this one, for sure!
Got a chuckle out of this one, looks like Rudolph is interrupting this officers donut time, ya think?  I sure do!!  funny
The one below is self explanatory, well 2 below now! ha haAbove you saw the lights from a far off, now you see them as we are going through, it was really pretty, and again, the whole light show was amazing, hours and hours of work went into such a display and it was wonderful.  We went in Bob and Cindys car because we can't turn off the lights in ours when we are moving, blasted new cars!  Not really, we love our Suzuki!
Well, if you haven't gone out to see the lights yet, at least you get to see some here, not quite as pretty as they were to us, but pretty, none the less!
Hope you all have a wonderful MERRY CHRISTMAS.  Love Hugs and most of all Prayers.  Just remember WHY we celebrate Christmas,  Because our Savior, Jesus Christ was born!   Arlette & Bill too,and the Sassy

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