Headin' back to civilization as we know it, not sure just what we are getting into 'cause we are going a different way, so am following Bill in Whody. Yuck, would rather be riding with him!
Got down the road a little ways and felt a thump, thump, and you guessed it, a flat tire! Stopped, and Bob called Bill on the CB and went to get him. He came back, changed the tire, we went on a little ways further and decided to stop for the night, really cool place!Bill & Bob decided to work on bay doors, they LOVE to work on their buses you know!
We were by the prettiest river, with rock formations on the other side, it was awesome and really, really dark at night, you could see all the wonderful stars, they were so close you felt as tho. you could almost reach out and touch them
Although you can't tell it, this tree was HUGE, bet it was a great~great~ GREAT Granddaddy!
Next day we started down & out, it was a two way road with only one lane, so I went ahead and stopped folks coming up so they could wait until the 2 buses got by, Look close in the rear view mirror and you will see our Whody, movin' right along!
Just some scenery, and here we are, out of the woods and onto the main road, Whew, lotz better than the way we went in, that's for sure!!
Still lotz of logging in Idaho, and below you see Bob & Cinders hooked up and movin' & groovin'!
Going down hill they get waaay ahead of us, loved this picture! And below, here we are, back in Baker City, Ore., and soon to lose our friends, sniff, sniff. Well, until about Jan. we will bid a sad adieu! We will miss ya, a lot!
This is our spare tire, and I ask you, WHY do they give you an ugly rim and a tire smaller than the regular one? Maybe they work for the government, ya think? Moral to this tire is, we had to have 2 new ones for the car AND 2 new steer tires for the Whody! Do you wonder why we are still here?? Wonder no more, them dudes are really spendy!Not whining, are really enjoying our time here this year, the Lord always knows best! Love, Prayers and Hugs, Arlette & Bill too, and the happy Sassy, no leash here!
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