Hi! Well here we are, after traveling 27miles of dirt roads. Whody hated it and spilled her guts all over! Things that had sat out for 4 years were on the floor, including the 2 coffee cans filled with dog food! Boy did Sassy love that! ha ha. Our friend Cindy suggested that maybe we needed to fix things so this wouldn't happen, Nu Huh, we just need to stay off windy, rut filled dirt roads, ya think????
There were all sorts of folks here, and the field was huge...............
and almost empty. A ways away we came upon this bus, the only one besides the 2 of us!
Below is the actual road into the town, and also the golf course, yep, you heard right.........
We took a stroll, just to look around, what a cool little town, tucked far, far into the forest, but you can tell the residents love it here. Looks like when they have a lot of folks around, they put up coverings so the frightened animals can find cover.
I loved the chickens, they would wander in an out of the covering, scratching for bugs and the roosters crowing their displeasure at the disruption of their life.
This is a good picture of what the town is like, lotz of old stuff around, some usable, some not, a wonderfully refreshing 1950s look.
I was so impressed at the wonderful monument erected in honor of the Armed Forces,
and the little country store was reminiscent of stores I remembered when I was growing up. They had a little bit of everything anyone would need, and the clerks were always willing to help, always smiling, again, customer service, a passing era.
This is one of the cute places we found there, loved the wood fence and the Byrle gateway. Below the booths for the festival are being set up. Here you see 'gord art', this isn't easy, I tried it and mine came out looking like 1st grade child art! ha ha
Loved the signs below, I only saw police during the festival, but believe you me, it would NOT have surprised me if they really did have radar!
Here all the stuff is starting, all the vendors have arrived and are getting set up. Just look at that view, breathtaking!!!
OOPS, misplaced 'gord art', but isn't this a really cool bird feeder? Loved it, didn't love the price, so they still have it, well, maybe, not sure.
On our walks around the town we ran into this sign, love the sense of humor here! Just look at this face, he usually wore sunglasses, but it wasn't bright enough this day I guess, loved him.
When folks started getting up on the stage, this little girl went wild, the whole festival she danced around with her harmonica in her little hand. A future contestant, maybe even a winner? Ya never know, she was really focused and was sure a cutie!!!
Saw a bit of wildlife, real and unbelievable, that is later.
There were posters all over town about these folks, sad to say they were found, but not alive.
Just to prove we were on their golf course, we were right next to the 18th hole!!! Now I know very little about golf, but this grass wasn't green and pretty, but there were a lot of 'ruffs' I guess you call them, you know, places where your golf ball can get bogged down.It was an adventure, and one that isn't finished in this blog, I will be coming back with pictures of the festival, so thanks again for hanging with me, come on back if it suits ya!
Hugs, smiles and prayers, Arlette & Bill too, and the Sassy
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