Time to leave the Bluegrass in Darrington and head for Spokane to see my Sister Ginger. Soo............we load up our bus, get all ready to boogie, and Bob & Cindys cat "Silly" decides to take a walk on the wild side,"oh where are you Silly Cat?" So we waited and waited, and finally heard him cry, tried everything to get him to come out and get in the bus, but no dice. He was having NONE of it!!!! If you look real close you will see the black and white cat, hard to take a picture under a bus, when you can't really see what you are taking a picture of! ha ha. But eventually he ran out from under their bus and under our bus where Bob finally got him by the ruff and handed him out to Bill. Whody is a little higher than Bobs bus, so it was fairly easy. Whew, now we are on our way to Spokane!!!
It had rained off and on all week~end and today was no exception, thought this picture was pretty cool.
Such beautiful country, we saw, lots of waterfalls................
and a pretty lake, and just past that we saw an amazing waterfall, so pulled off to get a better look,walked up one side and headed to the other side to get a better look, and the Sassy just stood there looking up at us like "Hey, I can't walk on that, pick me up", so we did, it was eerie for us to walk on even, it was a looong way down and there was a lot of water!!
This is the waterfall we wanted to look at, it was so tall it was hard to get a good picture, but man was it pretty!Below is a lone rider, these guys always amaze me, oh to be young again, wellll.....I wouldn't do it if I was young, who am I kidding. Now Bill, yup!
I was a bit disappointed at this picture, the flowers were an amazing lavender color, but sure don't look like it here, sorry.
OH NO, not snow again, but it is pretty, as long as it is far, far away!!Another pretty waterfall, I do love them, guess you couldn't tell, huh??
YUKKY, the snow was closer than we thought, boy they had a lot of it this year, just look how deep it still is!
I took this because I love any show of patriotism, just look at our flag, flying proud, don't know this guy, but like him anyway!Pictures of barns are suppose to be over done, but this is just the coolest looking one I've seen in a while, so just had to share it with you, such beauty behind it too!
Purple mountain majesty......
For amber waves of grain... that song sure fits America, all you have to do is drive, such beauty.
This fella was right beside the road, Bill saw him first and slowed down so I could get a picture. It didn't seem to even bother him, he went right back to eating, kinda saying, "It ain't huntin' season and I ain't afeared of you, so there!"
,Grand Coolie Dam, what a sight!
Did our Sassy girl care about a dam, nope, she was crashed, she is good at it ya know!!
But here are the particulars, pretty interesting, if you take the time to look, our country certainly has a most interesting history, it's wonderful!!!
After settling down for the night, Sweet William and Sassy snuggled up for the evening, just thought this was such a cute picture, had to put it on. Is this dog spoiled, NAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Well folks, the next feature is in Spokane, actually, Mead, at Joe and Gins place, so come on back. Love, Hugs and Prayers to you all, Arlette & Bill too, and the cute little Sassy girl!
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