Oh boy an old bridge, we are on our way to Grafton, Utah, a ghost town, BOOoooooo................. Well, not like that, it just hasn't been lived in for a very loooong time.
We were greeted by this car, buried in the ground, Bill & Bob really laughed, well, Cindy and I did too!
Special artwork met us.....
Then we saw this wonderful old school house, church. The floors were of beautiful pine, you could hardly see it because of all the dead flies, thought you would like to hear that! Chuckle
There it is and there goes Sweet William to take a look, you can also see the house, they are restoring it and it is looking really good.
Here is what we thought might have been the kitchen, it was away from the main house in case of fire, they used wood stoves and you never knew, also, in the hot summer, it kept the main house cooler. It could have been a cowhands place too.
This, was a debate, but thought maybe it was part of a well, hmmmmmmm.
Now WHAT could this be, I'll bet a 4holer with a back window, or maybe a storage place???? I like the idea of a 4 holer myself, shows real class!
At the house there was also a basement of sorts.....
and a magnificent view out the living room window and off the front porch, gotta have some creature comforts, right? I could just see myself sitting in a rocking chair darning socks, don't laugh,I use to do that ya know, but not since Wal~mart!!!
they made sure no critters could get down there, that's for sure, now they put bars on the upstairs windows so no nasty critters can get in, how time has changed, huh?? Lost one picture, got put back up above this one. sorry! ;*]
This was an outbuilding, thought all the fences and stuff looked cool, just think, they had to go cut the trees, skin 'em, dig the holes by hand then add the fence, they couldn't get on the phone and call the nearest "fence builder".
This cracked us up, honesty is the best policy, saw this going in but didn't take the picture until we came out, funny huh? We so enjoyed our time looking around this little town, there were other houses there too, about 4 if I remember right. How I admire our Pioneers, great, hardworking people that would turn over in their graves if they could see what is happening to our country!Anyhoo, be back with another one soon, so....Prayers, Love & hugs, Arlette & Bill too, and the Sassy
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