Here we are, parked in Zion National park, dry camping with our friends Bob & Cindy Mac. This was a great spot except for one small problem, little crawly caterpillars everywhere, and I DO mean, everywhere. You couldn't sit down outside without them crawling up your pant legs, they were all over our tires and smooshed all over the ground. It only happens once a year for about 3 weeks, we are blessed to be in the last week, I guess, soooooooooooo.....
We Moved! We weren't together, but the little crawly things were a lot less over here and we had hook ups for the same price!
We got some advice from a friendly neighbor,"good place, lots of interesting folks".
Love the cactus, didn't expect to see them here, in about another week they will be all bloomed out.
Here is some information on the tunnel, but it seems much longer than that to someone who is claustrophobic!
This is one window that shows light from the big tunnel, there are several, a couple have parking spaces, but have been blocked off, waaay to much traffic now, boo hoo, would have been fun to look out over the valley below!
Inside the tunnel, moving right along, helps to have a little light and helps to get the car emissions out too!!
The next few pictures are for you to just look at, there is such beauty here it amazes the soul.
Beauty in the rocks, AMAZING!!
You can walk and walk and walk, and you will still be on rock!
This was called Checker Board Mountain, can you see why?
These gashes were everywhere, looked like Paul Bunyan took his big scythe and just scooped it out!
How do these fellas just sit and stay up there?
Now, get your imagination going, the rocks on the left kinda look like the Flintstone houses, don't you think??
We walked a path to a place called " Canyon overlook", this is looking down on the looong tunnel.
There is our Suzuki, on the left, the second one from the right. Looks like a munchkin car.
Oh yes, you know me, this fella was a pretty good sized one too. No Ruby, I usually don't take pictures of snakes, haven't seen any since Death Valley.
A little of the Fauna, I was so impressed, this was high on the mountain, very little dirt and this grew in abundance, amazing!
On the way up, puff, pant, snort, wheeze, I saw this. There was a small tree growing a ways from this so we thought maybe the root structure just grew through the rocks. Can you believe it?
Here you have it, it is about a 3mile hike round trip up and up and up, pant, wheeze, choke!! But well worth it,
Here is MY picture of the overlook, if you look close you will see the road going towards the tunnel, really cool up here!
Here is my rock climbing feller, He is on the highest rock you can climb to unless you are a goat! ha ha
I am just a goose, I LOVE the different textures in these mountains, really cool stuff! Darlene J. when you get to Zion you really need to get out and walk, there is no better way to really feel this area.
Here we are at the very top, and there is another 'scoop' out of the mountain. Somewhere near here we saw a white horse, well, not really, it was a white spot in the mountain that looked like a white horse, but Bill wouldn't let me lean out far enough to get the picture, like I really would anyway!
Again, it was quite a drop off. Pretty though!
There are deer here too, how perfect is that?
A few of the views we saw...........
That isn't snow, just a change in color, the pictures don't do it justice.
Look really close, do you see the guy? SPIDEY MAN, yessir!
And the flowers here are incredible too, here you see columbine. Hey Ruby, don't you love the bright yellow???? Well folks, we are just getting started, will try to give you all of it in a nutshell, so until next time, Hugs, Love and Prayers to you all, 'specially my kids. Arlette & Bill too, and the Sassy
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