Zion #1
Hello, here we are following the McAleers, we do that a lot!
These houses fit so well into the mountains you can hardly see them, cool, huh?
Oh My, I can see that we are really in for some more beautiful mountains, can't wait!
Here we go, there is the entrance gate, hope they take our "old age card", ha ha
Amazing, and we are just getting started!!
We met a new friend, a real cutie.
Looked down in a lot of canyons,
Took a long walk along a river and saw this fella, looks like fun, doesn't it?...............
This is where our long walk went to, well, almost............
Whoa, are we in Florida?, NOT................
but it was swampy, right here in the desert!! see it?
Can you see the Indian head? Bill and Bob thought I had a really good imagination, but HE IS THERE!!al
Walked under a few overhangs like this one, cool, literally. it was 85*.
Two pretty tired fellas, but mine is still grinnin', cute, hug??
Lotz of holes like this, what an awesome place!
This is where the trail ended, they had closed it due to high waters, but it said on our paper, that sometimes you have to wade & swim to get there, that water was COLD, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Met another friend, but he didn't have time for us, he was eating lunch.
Took this on the way back, no, it isn't snow, just the color of the Mountains, what an amazing place, and I have several blogs for you folks, IF Sweet William and Bob stop parking us in the canyons! lol Just a start,but wanted to get another blog out so you would know I haven't forgotten you! Keep checking and once again I will try to catch up. So See ya, Hugs, Smiles and Prayers, Arlette & Bill too, and the Sad Sassy. She is NOT allowed on the trails, boo hoo!
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