Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hi all from Tucson,AZ.where the sun is shining and the paintings on the over passes are really pretty, and.........................

Where we saw our very first , ya got it, BORDER PATROL, ta da! I always love taking pictures of these guys, makes me feel warm & fuzzy!!

Took this cause it was the very first street Bill & I lived in waayyy back in 1962 when we got married, brought back memories, sigh!

Stopped at this trailer Court, and they were dressing this cactus up like Santa Claus, didn't see even one reindeer, or even a sled, bummer! I should have called the Lone Ranger, cause their price for the night was highway robbery!

As we headed out the next morning, first thing I saw was this guy, "I love me I think I'm grand" It does help to hug yourself every morning, makes ya feel good, right?????

It also helps to get your hair done before anyone sees ya, isn't she a doll?? Actually, she is Cristate Saguaro, a very rare cactus, I thought she was pretty, how about you? It was so cool that I saw it before I knew she was a rare one.

These 2 are what they call chain fruit cholla cactus, really different, and they come in different colors too, as you can see below.

My favorite, this was quite pretty.

Saw this nest from a ways away, and Bill dared me to go see what was in it, so I did, however, the camera got closer than I actually did, but I didn't see anything in there, so we drove on.


Just had to take a picture of this lady, she was in her late 70's, and had power walked the whole 9miles of the park, amazing! See what you can do if ya set your mind to it???? 1~2~3 altogether now::::

Now some how I thought this looked a lot like Whoopie, except the hair is green, it really struck me funny, and made me laugh! Don't you think it looks like her hair style?? I saw an entire family of Whoopies and I loved them, cool.

We watched this Dad help that little feller up this rock, it was really sweet, the little guy almost beat his Dad to the top, it was all Dad could do to hold onto his shirt.

OH,NO, clouds, hope it doesn't rain.

This rock looked a little like a Hippo, cracked me up, although I don't see any eyes, I looked real hard too. There's those clouds again, YUKKY!!!!

Another pretty overpass, very striking.

There is a rainbow, drat! Yes, it rained just as we were leaving Tucson, and it just kept it up, even though the rainbow ran ahead of us, it was pretty, and we mistakenly believed we would catch it!

This is as we are leaving New Mexico, and as you can see, we are still chasing that rainbow!

Well, would ya looky here, we didn't like the rain much, but when we got to EL PASO,TX, it was snowing to beat the band, "Welcome to Texas Ya'll, Whody isn't winterized to travel, WE ARE SUPPOSE TO BE WARM!!!!! So here I am, trying to take pictures,watch the road and wipe Bills window off so he could see, ARGGGgggggg, and then we both started laughing about the fact that this would be a great memory on down the road a bit!! Yes, we are NUTZ!!

Got a few pictures as we 'glided' through town in a' 300 horse closed sleigh', jingle bells............................ (ya'll)

After treating us to snow, waaay before Christmas, they treated us to a quick stop at our favorite spot, BORDER PATROL!!

Did I tell you that Whody isn't set up for winter? Well I tell you the truth, Bbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I actually had on long pants, heavy socks, slippers and a blanket, under the blanket is a little heater by the name of Sassy. Bill says he will take care of that, I say, let's go back to Mesa, AZ., it was so nice and warm there!

Can you believe the speed limit? trucks can go 70mph, and although it was pouring down rain, they were still doin' the speed limit!

We were treated to it all, felt like a Postal Worker, this is hail, and it hailed for about half~hour, and the wind was blowing the whole time. Crazy thing was, it was 43* out, never got below 39* at any time. Weird!

Another picture of the hail on our windshield,kinda strange, but by now we were set for most anything!!! When we got to San Antonio, it was raining so hard you could hardly see, and driving was much worse than in El Paso, we saw several pretty bad accidents because of all the water on the roads.

We stopped in a little town called Alice,TX, it was raining so hard, we were cold, and it was getting dark, how glad we were for our little fireplace, it kept us quite warm. When we got up the next morning, the sky was cloudy with birds, thousands of them, all squawkin' like crazy, did anyone see the movie 'The Birds', made back in the 70's (i think), what an awesome sight!
Well folks, we will be here in Pharr for about 3 weeks, hope to leave for Indio,California the day after Christmas for a Bus Nutz, rally, but I will be taking pictures around here and in Mexico, so there are still a few blogs left in me for this year, I also promised to tell you about our RV Court in Mesa. So until next time, keep yourselves warm and dry and happy. Smiles, Hugs, Love & Prayers, Arlette & Bill too, and the gleeful Sassy. We are behind a big old fence and she doesn't have to be on a leash!

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