How many of you folks remember the picture in all the papers of this couple?? I was a really little girl, yes, I was, once, and I do remember it. I asked my Gramma, "Why is that man kissing her on paper???" Life is sure different now huh?
This is just a partial picture of the USS Midway. It was Dec. 7th and there was a lot of things going on, I loved the trees too and guess I got a little to interested! ha ha
How about those legs, yes, they even have a seam up the back. Hey, what is going on, what are those 2 old duffers doing? That gal can no longer bend that way, guess that's why they are laughing so hard, could be! Like my last blog, except these are Oregon weirdos! It was fun tho, try it with your Frau and see how it works. Thanks to Bob & Cindy for having the patience to take that picture, we did an awful lot of laughing!!
Oh, there is a better picture of the USS Midway, cool, and this tribute to Bob Hope was awesome. They were playing some of the shows he put on and it really brought back memories. Bet there are a few of you who remember him, right?
Here he is, with that funny face of his, we spent a while there, then took a drive over the bridge, what a beautiful day it was, 'specially on the water.
Look at all the little boats, all lined up to go sailing, well, not really, Bob told me they were lined up that way because of the current, I like MY idea better, it sounds like more fun!
Look at the knot on top of this house, I've seen knots on heads, but not on houses, I suppose it is either for looks or lightning, it was cute, anyway.
This little Toyota was shipped from France to the bottom of Argentina and they drove all the way here to California, will go to Colorado and down to, I believe, Florida, and then home to France in Feb. It was a young couple with a son about 9 or so. Nice couple.
Well, we now know what our friendship is worth to Bob & Cindy, they offered to take us to dinner for fish and chips, so Bill & Bob walked ahead to this quaint little fish shop, but finding out the price of fish and chips was waaaay out of line and you couldn't even see out the windows, they changed their mind. Well, I gotta admit, we wouldn't have paid that price either, you'd a thought those fish came from China, oh,yeah, everything else does, so who knows! ha ha
So instead we took a long walk down the pier and took some sunset pictures, one with a Helicopter in it and one with a little bird, but WOW just look at that sunset,Awesome, huh? By the way, our friendship with the McAleers is still solid, after all, we are SMART and FRUGAL people, thank you! ha ha,Then we headed for home. Home cooked food is the best anyhoo! I LOVE this picture, all it needs is a big old ship or a sail fish to jump really high and it would be perfect! Enjoy your sunsets and come on back to see what other crazy stuff we are up to. Smiles, Hugs and Prayers, Arlette & Bill too, and the lonely Sassy, she had to stay home. (sniff,sniff)
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