This was our yard when the McAleers came home with us, you can't see much, but I can assure you it was a big mess! Sooooo Sweet William and I just started raking, and picking up leaves that have accumulated there for over 20 years, puff, pant, bellyache, complain, etc., Bill got a big pile of leaves ready, but couldn't burn them until we got a permit and water, no, there is no water on that property, there was, but the water district put in new lines and didn't bother letting us know, bummer! Hot footed it down to the fire station and they said that as long as we had a neighbor with water & a hose and there was no grass or weeds near where we were burning, and no agressive wind, go for it!
We did just that! Got Al to bring his tractor over and shovel us out a big dirt spot, just right for burning! YeeHaw! Bill had been busy cutting branches off a big tree, and I was out helping get them ready for a fire, yes folks it was I!! I do not like yard work, but what has to be done, has to be done, right? Below is just a small picture of what a mess it was.
Here is Al with his big old tractor, diggin' into the ground so we can burn, Al, by the way is our Son~in~law!
Here again is a picture of all the "stuff" that layed around there, it isn't junk I am told. ha ha!
Here is Sweet William taking a break, and if you notice you can actually see between all the Stuff now! Branches gone and you can actually see the ground. Wow, what a novel idea!!!
The sheds you see in the background are not ours, but our property does go right up to them and so we will be cleaning that up as well.
WHOO~HOO is that a burning pile or what? It got really huge quite a few times, and we burned straight for almost a full week. "Whew", didn't have any marshmallows and didn't even do burny dogs, or Bob dogs as we call our hot dogs these days. He likes 'em burnt black, and we are sorta leaning in that direction as well! (snicker)
Here you see the front of the yard from our Whody bus, it actually looks like we have a lawn now, after weeks of raking, mowing, raking, mowing......... well you get the picture.
This is the front of the place looking up towards Donnas, our daughters, place, we planted grass in this area, and hopefully by next year it will be green.
There you see Al & Donnas place, pretty, huh??
Got it all lookin' pretty good and God made it beautiful, although I will tell ya folks, when this happened I cried like a baby!! I do not like snow, 'specially when I am where it is, sob, sniff, boo hoo!
Sassy says "WHAT is your problem"? "I'm all dressed to go out and play, come on"!
Some folks, like the ones above, really got into that snow thing, cute!Below you see Bill backing Al up to a trailer full of metal that we picked up around the place.
There's Sweet William saying "see ya in a few hours, heading to LaGrande, love ya". The trailer has a pretty good load and should bring in a pretty good paycheck.
Talk about beautiful sunsets, there are beautiful ones everywhere we go. It had been really overcast all day, but at sundown this is what happened, so very pretty!
I will leave you on this note, have a couple more pictures, but they are still in my camera, may sneak them in on a mini blog! Until next time, Hugs, Prayers and Smiles to you all, Arlette & Bill too, and the happy Sassy, dumb dog loves the snow! heh heh!
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