Well HI all, sorry, been out of Internet area, again, but in order to see all these amazing things, I gotta do it, so blogs are slow! BUT: if you are ever near St. George or Hurricane, Utah, this is the place to stay. St. George RV resort in Hurricane on Hwy 91.
Not only does it have a great heated pool, outdoors where you can see the beautiful red mountains, and a spa, forgot the picture, but it is great.
It has a place for the young~uns...............
A wonderfully clean, laundry...........
A beautiful recreation room......
An amazing kitchen, where the staff works their little tushes off to serve you great food, AND they smile whiles doing it!.................BUT, the best part is>> Michael and Christy Hargis also put on bus rallies, and they are the best!! There were only 9 buses there, but in 6 months there is another one, so if you want to have fun, get a move on and make your reservations.
Bill and I came in Whody,
The McAleers came with "The last Resort", Michael brought up his bus............ well, he brought it up from his new rally area.
Ed and Stevie brought their MCI "Footloose and Fancy Free", and Larry andCarol came with their beautiful GM.There was a really different Eagle bus there, actually there were 4 Eagles including Whody, 2 MCI's, 2 Gm's and Clifford and Sonja's Safari trek. Not bad for a first time! Sorry, I had such a good time I forgot to take pictures of all the buses, so if anyone has some, send them to me, OK? Oh yes, we also had a Wini Winnie, belonging to Nickel, one of the entertainers, and it has a Loft!!!!!
Michael and Christy made a special area for the rallies, and although it is dry camping right now, if enough of us bus nuts show up, he may just have to put all the trimmings in down there!
Sweet Willam, Bob McAleer and myself made a fire pit, yes, I did more than take pictures!!!!
Lookin' good fellas!
Now, let's get some wood,...
TA DA, all ready for music, popcorn, s'mores and chatter. This is just a start, come on back and I will fill you in on all the other stuff we did, and if you don't own a bus you are welcome anyway, got lots more to show ya, so come on back, OK? For now, Love, Hugs and prayers to you all, Arlette & Bill too, and the SassyPS: Michael, hang onto the snoopy dish and when we come back I will fill it again!
1 comment:
Great Post and thank you for the KuDo's. e will hold on to the Snoopy dish for a re-fill! M&C
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