Well, now we find out how Scottys Castle ran way back in the '20's & 30's, Sweet William is helping me, cause he went on this tour and I didn't. So here goes......................
This is the tunnel that goes around under the castle, where all the good stuff is.
If you are a peeker, you could watch the folks swim, if there had been a pool. The Docent said because of the fall of the stock market, they could not afford to finish this. Oh yes, you are in the tunnel.
The tile for the swimming pool had been started, but they never finished. Notice the funny looking groovy things, they were going to go around the outside edge of the pool to help with any over flow.
This is the name of the maker of the tiles. Bill said there were a lot of extra tiles, all counted, but never used. They had them shipped by rail, because the railroad was closing down, and didn't want to be without if they needed them.
Battery, battery, who has a battery? There were at least 100 of them, but not reg. batteries, they lasted at least 3times as long as a regular one. Whoohoo, wished he'd picked up a couple for the Whody!
This is a little better picture of them.
This was a steel conduit made back in the '30's. Amazing technology.
You are now looking at the old water system, and the new, right beside it.
This would be the electrical panel that run off the generators, powered by a 671 GM, guess you fellas would know about that, right?
This was the water flow generator, they were never real happy with the way it worked.
Another part of the water system, where the water went into the pump.
This was the original furnace that heated the water that went through the registers. Think I should have gone on this tour, it looks interesting!
Heads up ladies, this is the machine that made the washing machines run, by water, to complicated for me, but if it worked, YAHOO!
Remember me talking about the tiles they had left? well here they are, and this is a hallway under the castle, the dark line on the right was for any water that flowed under there.
This is the water system that brought the water from the spring down to the house, which was approx. 1 mile away. This gave them 70# of water pressure at the castle.
This is the Solar system, and you thought this was something new didn't you? The pipe is the hot water tank that they never finished.
And there is where Scotty is buried, he picked the place and wanted his mules and dogs buried with him, but.......... No one was gona carry a dead mule up that hill, so he is only buried with his dog!
These are some of the railroad ties purchased for firewood, three quarters of them are still there today!
This was a rock grading machine to make sand for cement.
Here is a good picture of the tower I told you about in the last blog.
This is the bridge over the swimming pool that never got finished, to bad, it would have been gorgeous!!!
Remember I talked about the peeking Tom, there are the windows that look out from the tunnel. PEEK~ABOO
These were the fence post made of cement that had the S & J, as did almost everything. It stood for Scotty & Johnson. What an amazing piece of history, Johnson was a genius of his time.Thanks for coming along, and thanks for hanging on. We are now caught up and will be starting anew.
Until we meet again at our Whody Castle, so long, Hugs, prayers and love to all.
Arlette & Bill too, and the Sassy
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