BBill and I are always running around , more in our little Suzuki than in Whody, and wow do we ever find cool things!!!! For everyone, but mostly for you bus nuts, this is a reticulating bus, and it was made into a motor home. Whoo EEEe, you'd have plenty of room in this puppy!!i
Here is the other side, not as purty as Whody, but how fun!
This is the best we could do as far as seeing inside, thought maybe it was a band bus of some kind. Well, we'll never know, couldn't find anyone to tell us, so on we go..................
To the snow, again. Pretty creek, huh?
Great Rock, looks like a big chested matron, well to me it did!
Just look at those icicles, this guy and his little boy were trying to get some down.
Quite a cave, but not exactly a place where you would be warm, thought it was a cool picture.
We were headed for Brian Head and wanted to take the back road.
What a magnificent view, a good picture, right?
Now I ask you, signs, sure, there was a whole herd crossing here, can't ya see their tracks? Bah..........
This is where we were headed, to Brian Head via, Cedar Breaks.
This is what we encountered, sure you can get to Cedar Breaks..... In a snowmobile, so we looked around....
Looked at all the trails made by those cool machines, and went on our way.
Down the road aways we saw a lake, well, just barely, looked on our map to find that indeed it was a lake called Navajo Lake. Ready for a swim? What, no polar bears out there??
Took this because I loved the birch trees, I must have snapped a million pictures of them, well maybe not that many!
Never saw even ONE, almost couldn't see the sign, when all of a sudden.............
A Village! No, we didn't park on the pav.....
We did drive through, and first thing we saw was this, Bill thought it was a forward control Jeep, who knows, it was buried in snow!
A beautiful little church, they had even shoveled the driveway and the steps, good deal!
Can't say the same for this place though, don't know if it was a business or someones home, but lotz of folks lived here, and were friendly too.
See, it even had a name, but... where have all the ducks gone???? They have little down bums, they would have been warm!
Saw a sign that said, well you can read............ So we headed for a little less snow and found this fella.
We stopped to let Sassy do her business, and this guy was way out in the field, I started whistling, and he came up to see what I wanted, see the look on his face, "well, I'm here, just WHAT do you want!"
Then he saw the Sassy, just as Bill reached up to pet him.
He was very friendly and let Bill pet him, but kept his eye on that little red thing that was the same color as he was!
As you can see, Sassy is keeping an eye on him too, WHOA, this guy has 4 legs like me, and 2 ears, like me, a tail like mine, well much longer, but holy Cow he is a BIG Min~Pin! She didn't bark or anything, but was glad to get back in the car safe and sound.We do a lot of just bummin' around, just lookin' to see what we can see, thanks for comin' along. Until next time , look out for big red min~pins! Smiles, Hugs and Prayers, Arlette & Bill too, and the happy Sassy. She got to meet a BIG PIN! ha ha
1 comment:
Hi Guys, Good to see you in the St. George area. That is a long bus, you know you want it! All the Best, M&C
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