Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bethel Mission, and Pharr, TX.

Dec,2010Howdy y'all out there in blogger land.  I am going to give you a little idea of where we have been the last couple of months!............... Here you see one of the 2 gates that are locked everynight to keep out all the undesirables!!  There are a few down here, HAHA  but there are a few everywhere!  There are always those who think they have a right to what others have worked hard for ya know!!
This is the backdoor to Carols house, she owns this place, this  door leads into the kitchen, and as you can see she has a patio area, Bill put a new cover on it for her, what a nice guy!!
Don't know what these are called, but they are about teacup size and there are red and yellow ones as well, They are growing all around the back of her house and are quite pretty.  Oh yes, there are ticks here that just love to hitch~hike!  We have to watch the Sassy girl, check her everyday. Have only found one small one, Phew!!
This is what you would call a Missionary rest stop, missionaries come from Mexico and stop here to catch up on things that need to be done in the USA.  Here is the mail room where they get mail for almost 70 different folks, it is quite a project, and it has been super busy during the holidays.
There are 3 families that live here full time, this is one of the houses. It sets between the 2 gates, and that makes them the gate keepers, they close them(the gates) at 10pm every night unless you tell them you will be later, then YOU get to close & lock them!  That was one of the things that struck me about down here, you seldom see houses or projects without gates, and if you do they have bars on the windows.  No, it isn't awful, just the way things are.  We have never felt afraid, but caution is your best bet!
Carol is a gracious hostess, she took us all to a Japanese restaurant for dinner.  Here you see Leon, Donna & Jeremy, they live in the little house above. However................ they are now moved to Florida, and another family will be moving in sometime in January!
This is Sandy and Carol, it was one day before Carols 83rd birthday and her daughter Sandy came to visit from Florida.  Carol has had some medical problems and some things needed to be taken care of, so Sandy came  in time to celebrate her Moms birthday too!  We actually went to the Red Lobster for dinner the day of her birthday, I LOVE the Red Lobster!! Yummy!There he is!  Sweet William and the Sassy. Behind him you get a pretty good idea of what Bethel Missions looks like.  On the left there are small trailers and motel rooms for those who will be in the US a while, straight back is the laundry room and another one of the permanent houses, and of course the inner gate.  It also has a small walk in gate.
Here you see it from a different angle, this was taken from the laundry room, do ya see the Whody out there?  She is getting anxious and stomping her tires wanting to go!  Us to, but will be here a little while longer.  Doing a little more work on the place whiles we are here and helping Carol as well.  Bill has known her since he was about 12yrs old.  Carols husband  Wes was a good mentor for him as well.  They moved down here and opened the Mission in 1988, and Wes passed away in 2002, he is sorely missed around here!
Lets see, we have been down to Brownsville, TX, and South Padre Is., and to Progresso, Mx. as well. We love the sunshine and the weather has been just right.  Today it is raining, I can feel my webs growing again, it feels so good, tomorrow, back to 70's and 80's, they haven't had rain for months, so this is giving the land a good drink of water!
Well ya'll that is it in a nutshell, hopefully we will be on our way sometime this week, headed for Arizona.  Don't give up on us, I just get lazy when we aren't on the road and life is kinda boring, so see ya next time!  Smiles {{{HUGS}}} and prayers to ya'll!  Arlette & Bill too, and the Happy Sassy, no collar has to be worn here!!!!     
For those who knew her, and hadn't heard, Annie passed away on the 20th of December, she will be missed!!!!

1 comment:

Singing Land Cruiser said...

Sounds like your having fun. Our bus, Mrs. Jones calls to us to hit the road too But we are stuck here in St George, Ut for a spell. Are you guys going to make the next Q-Rally? All the Best, M&C