Saturday, June 12, 2010

Well~~OOH~RAH, I believe that is how it is said, we spent the day in the Quantico Marine training area, and the actual town of Quantico.  The town didn't impress us, it is just a little place, not much there, but did get to see the training areas, and living quarters, (outside of course), very well kept up, we were impressed.  For those out there that are runners, it is very warm here, part of the year, and all through the camp and the town, all the way to the Marine Museum, they have h2o boxes, they are so cool, each has cold water and the little cups I use to use when my Gramma and I went on the train!  It was Saturday, so didn't get to see any actual training, phooey, didn't hear any Sargent's yelling or anything, what a disappointment, I've seen the TV where the Marines are marching along at double speed with a Sargent yelling his lungs out, you know, like Gomer Pyle............but nope, no such thing was to be seen!  So, we headed up to the Museum, what an amazing place.  Remember the Marines raising the flag on Iwo Jima?. well the building is patterned after that, it is such a beautiful museum, and has so much history about the Marines in it!  Did you know the Marines were born in 1775?, me neither, I also learned there were 2 different Marine Corps during the Civil War, Union and Confederate, Whoa, how cool is that??  We spent the better part of the day there, just seeing how military weapons, clothes , eating utensil,planes, helicopters, you name it,  has changed over the years,it was all there under one roof, with lots of people to help explain things to you!  They even had a mess hall, and for those of you who know me, I liked that!! We had  hot dogs and sodas for $12.  I understand the food is free if you are willing to go through the training, NuhUh, not this old girl, first time I had to pull myself up one of those rope ladders, I can just see the Sarge yellin' at me, then sendin' me back to civilian hood, so just shelled out the money! Ha
    It was really an incredible day, so much sadness, and yet such camaraderie, it was grand!  To all you Marines out there THANK YOU for all you've done for us from 1775 to today, and be glad, very glad, I got mustered OUT!
    We are now home and it is pouring out, lightning and thunder and Sassy is going berserk, soo until tomorrow..........See ya, Smiles, Love Prayers and Hugs, Arlette & Bill too, and the unhappy Sassy.(she has to stay home, too hot!)    PS headed to see some presidents houses, battlefields and small towns tomorrow!

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